Colorado Weather

6385213_orig 8583099_origI know, I know… No one wants to hear about weather, however I am just always in amazement of the weather here in Colorado.  We have lived here for almost six years and I still cannot get over the crazy weather systems that make up a day here.  So two weeks age we had temps that reached the high eighties and then we got eight inches of snow on mother’s day.  Last week we had temps in the mid seventies and then Friday we got pounded with rain.  This week Monday was up to eighty eight degrees and then Tuesday early morning we got down to thirty four degrees.  Tuesday we had a crazy hail storm blow through town.  Today I was out chatting with a neighbor around lunch time while we watched a storm begin to blow in.  We had a little sprinkles, then thunder and then pounding rain and hail.  Of course the hail began only five minutes after I put the boys down for a nap and there was no quiet and no nap!  This momma is glad for the moisture however a nap is more important!

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