Deck The Halls

8707215One of the great benefits of having purchased a fake tree a few years ago is the fact that our tree can go up whenever I decide I want to get everything out.  And my precedent is that Thanksgiving has to be completely put away before Christmas can come out, as well as the house needs to be totally cleaned!  So after getting my turkey stock made and put away and all the pumpkins pureed, I spent the next day cleaning, nay, scrubbing the house!  Since big brother is a little under the weather we have yet to put all the ornaments on but our tree is up, all decked with ribbon and just waiting for a healthy house to let brothers put on all their ornaments.  In our house the boys get to decorate the tree, last year we made apple sauce cinnamon stars and every year my mother gets the boys their own special ornament.  Our tree usually looks a little wonky cause all the ornaments are bunched up in one spot… that is part of the magic of the tree, the boys are proud of it and it is all good!

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