Mom of Boys

IMG_4988As a mom of boys, there are always going to be the people that look at you with pity and say, “You never got your girl?” or “Are you going to keep trying for a girl?” or “Poor you, one girl in a house full of boys!”  To all of those comments and questions, my heart sings… they don’t know what it is like to be surrounded by men that love and care for them!  I do!  Yes, I am often a referee!  Yes, there are sounds coming from them that could silence a room, often the smells that come from them can make me gag.  Yes, the noise level is high and the competition of everything in life can be annoying.  However, every morning my boys want snuggles!  They come up to me with sleep still in their eyes and ask me to snuggle them.  Big brother, definitely is not small enough anymore to sit on my lap and snuggle but he does like to sit next to me and lay his head on my shoulder.  Middle brother, wants to snuggle as tight as possible to me and could lay on my lap with his head on my shoulder for a good part of the morning.  Little brother, usually has to wait for brothers to go to school for his snuggle time and lately we have been enjoying nap time snuggles.  He has been sleeping on my bed and we hold hands until he falls asleep.  I know that as each one of my boys grows up our snuggle times will change, but I hope and pray that they will still give me a minute of their time!  One neat thing that I have been experiencing with Big Brother getting older is his care to help me.  There was a big storm we had in the middle of December and the boys had a snow day.  We decided to head out and drive around as a family in the snow, when we got home all four of my men, hubby included in that count got out of the car to shovel the drive and big brother came around to my side of the car and shoveled a path just for me.  The thoughtfulness for me from my eight year old son was so precious!  So yes, being a mom of all boys is different, but I wouldn’t trade it for all the twirly dresses and dolls in the world!

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